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U radu se razmatraju sirovina, tehnike i upotreba brončanodobne lončarije s nalazišta Dugiš u Otoku kod Sinja istraženog pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Na dijelu građe (kvadrat XIII) provedena je mineraloško-petrografska analiza keramike sa svrhom karakterizacije lončarske smjese. Dodatno, provedena je i analiza tehnika izrade i kategorizacija tragova nastalih tijekom gradnje i obrade površine keramičkih posuda. Cilj je utvrditi karakteristike korištenih sirovina za izradu keramičkih posuda na nalazištu Dugiš, te usporediti lončarske recepture i tehnike izrade s tradicijama na širem području Dalmacije. Također, provedena je analiza tragova trošenja posuda, kako bi se bolje razumjelo njihovo korištenje u svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Preliminarni rezultati upućuju na visoku razinu homogenosti u proizvodnji keramike brončanog doba na nalazištu Dugiš, s naglaskom na upotrebu lokalno dostupnih sirovina i primjenu specifičnih tehnika izrade i metoda pečenja. Takva homogenost u lončarskoj proizvodnji rezultat je dobro organiziranih zajednica koje su mogle osigurati učinkovitu koordinaciju između majstora, resursa i potreba. Osim toga, lončarija sadrži brojne tragove trošenja, što ukazuje na učestalu upotrebu posuda, uključujući termičku obradu hrane i fermentaciju sadržaja koji je u njima bio pohranjen., This paper investigates the raw materials, techniques, and use of Bronze Age pottery from the Dugiš site in Otok near Sinj, Croatia, which was excavated in the 1950s. It includes a mineralogical and petrographic analysis of ceramics from one part of the collection (quadrant XIII) to characterize the clay paste. The study also encompasses an examination of manufacturing techniques and a categorization of traces of forming and surface treatment of ceramic vessels. The objective is to identify the characteristics of the raw materials used for pottery production at the Dugiš site and to compare these with pottery recipes and production techniques in the broader Dalmatian region. Furthermore, usewear traces on the vessels were analysed in order to better understand their use in everyday activities. Preliminary results indicate a high degree of homogeneity in the production of Bronze Age ceramics at the Dugiš site, with an emphasis on the use of locally available raw materials and the application of specific production techniques and firing methods. This homogeneity in pottery production reflects the presence of well organized communities capable of effectively coordinating craftsmen, resources, and needs. Additionally, the pottery exhibits numerous usewear traces, suggesting frequent use of the vessels in activities such as thermal processing of food and fermentation of their stored contents.